Thursday, May 19, 2011

Facebook Launched New Sponsored Stories

Sponsored Story was first launched in January. Now Facebook has added 3 more options in the sponsored stories list. They are

    * The page post like story - allows you to show up stories when your fans like any post from your page, so that their friends (even if they are not yet fans of your page) can see your post and like, repost, etc.

    * The app used and game played story will help app and game developers (not just users) turn up stories about people who are using their app or playing their game, so that similarly their friends will be able to view and use the App or Game.

    * The domain story will allow you to give more visibility to stories about people liking or sharing something, so that more of their friends will visit your site to discover this piece of content.

So there is a total of 7 types of Sponsored Stories that are available. Here is a list of the types of stories you can use to promote:

  1. Page like story - When people like your Page, their friends see a story about it
  2. Page post story - When you post an update to your Page, your fans see a story about it
  3. Page post like story - When people like your Page post, their friends see a story about it
  4. Check-in story - When people check-in to your business using Facebook Places, their friends see a story about it
  5. App used & game played story - When people have recently used your App or played your game, their friends see a story about it
  6. App share story - When people share from your App, their friends see a story about it
  7. Domain story - When people like or share information about your Domain, their friends see a story about it

If you are an admin of a Page, Place, App or Domain you can choose to run a Sponsored Story for any of the above story types.

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Facebook Sponsored Stories

We shall discuss about what Facebook Sponsored stories are and how they work. Below are some of the information from Facebook Help center

What are Sponsored Stories?
Sponsored Stories are stories that are eligible to appear in your News Feed. The sponsored stories will be displayed in the right hand side ad space. They will appear as and when people/friends/pages engage in activities on Facebook.

Sponsored Stories allow you to surface word-of-mouth recommendations about your brand that exist organically in the Facebook News Feed. To promote your Page, you can use Sponsored Stories to surface both Page posts and Page Likes.

For example, if a person’s friends like a Page, in addition to potentially seeing that news story in their News Feed, they can now also see the same story on the right-hand column on Facebook. Additionally, if you create a Page post it can now appear on the right-hand column for users that have liked your Page.

How can I use them to promote my Page?
Sponsored Stories are different from ads, and including them with your Facebook Ad campaign amplifies the actions your target audience takes with your ads. We hope to make Sponsored Stories available to all businesses and organizations in the near future.

Who can see Sponsored Stories about me (e.g. Pages I like, Places where I check in)?
News Feed stories that appear as Sponsored Stories respect applicable privacy settings. Therefore, only people who are eligible to see your News Feed story are eligible to see it as as Sponsored Story.

For example:

  • Jane’s privacy settings allow her friends to see News Feed stories about Pages she likes.
  • Jane likes the Starbucks Page.
  • Jane’s friend John can see a story about Jane liking the Starbucks Page in News Feed.
  • Because of this, John may see the same story on the right hand side of pages on Facebook.

There is a controversial part of the Sponsored stories. Sponsored stories can also considered to be advertisements that turn any user’s content into an actual advertisement. Facebook doesn't call them Ads although it's present as a part of Ads. It depends on the perception of the people whether it's similar to ads or different from ads.

Stay connected to know about new features on Facebook (Sponsored stories).

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Posted via email from SocialNetGate's Blog by SocialNetGate

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Delicious - Transfer Bookmarks

Delicious has been acquired by the founders of YouTube, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen recently.

Delicious will become part of their new Internet company, AVOS. The users of Delicious, to continue using Delicious, must agree to let Yahoo! transfer bookmarks to AVOS.

Reasons to let Yahoo! transfer your bookmarks

As soon as you let Yahoo! move your Delicious account, you will:

    * Enjoy uninterrupted use of Delicious.

    * Keep your Delicious account and all your bookmarks.

    * Keep the same look and feel of Delicious as you have today, and enjoy future innovations for the product.

What happens if you do not move your bookmarks?

    * Delicious in its current form will be available until approximately July 2011.

    * After that, you will no longer be able to use your existing Delicious account and will not have access to your existing bookmarks or account information.

How do I transfer my bookmarks?

To transfer your bookmarks, you need to "opt-in" to allow your account and all associated data to be moved. You can do this from the opt-in page.

Here is the step-bystep procedure for transferring bookmarks:

  • Sign In with your Yahoo! ID to your delicious account
  • Enter First name & Last name - Read and agree AVOS term of service and privacy policy.
  • Select a new password (Make sure you use at least one number or symbol in your password)
  • Retype Password and click “submit” button
  • You’ll get the message "Your Old-Skool account is now created"
  • Make a note of your username since you'll use that only for logging in to your Delicious account in the future

Posted via email from SocialNetGate's Blog by SocialNetGate