Saturday, April 7, 2012

Google Glass - Why skeptics are wrong!

Many, including several of us here at SocialNetGate, got really confused when Google changed the Android marketplace, Google Music etc to "Google Play". Now, we get it. It is all part of a long term social, mobile, local, augmented reality, entertainment solution.

Yes, we are talking talking about Google's Project Glass.

There are several skeptics that argue Google is wasting time. We think not. 

Why ?

1. Augmented reality is NOT Virtual reality. They are quite different. Ofcourse the Virtaul reality experiments pathetically failed because those made people look like geeks. But more importantly, there was NO Web at that time, folks. There was no way to bring real time data relevant to you and integrate it with your life's events, plans and activities.

2. The size of the glass, at least what they show in the project site, is slim enough that you wont look like something from the future. But then again, the future is here so, even if it is a little bulky, I am sure there will be people wearing it.

3. Apple changed our behavior to stick an equipment in our hands permanently that used to be just for voice communication, Google may very well add a replacement that is voice controlled and ergonomically safer. (Not sure how it would impact driving laws regarding usage. Let us not even go to those arguments about how your brain will get cooked due to constant usage of phones)

Posted via email from SocialNetGate's Blog by SocialNetGate

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