Sunday, May 12, 2013

Recent Scam on Facebook - Unsealed items giveaway

Facebook Scams have become never ending and it is our resposibility to know about these and stay away.

One of the recent scams is a free Apple iPhone, iPad, etc. giveaway.

You will be asked to like a Facebook page and share the message or page to your Facebook Timeline. This seems to be very simple and everyone will do it. But these are fake pages created to gather likes unethically and sell the pages.

The reason that is mentioned for the giveaway is that the items are unsealed and can't be sold. Is that even believable? Do you think a company will give away thousands dollar worth of products for free just because the package is unsealed/open?

What do the Scammers gain?

The scammers get their page to be liked by hundreds/thousands of people. Shared to even more people. Once large numbers of likes are gained, it will be sold on the Black Market similar to buying Facebook likes, shares, comments, etc unethically.

What do you lose by liking/sharing?

Your reputation will be lost!

You like and share a scam page and you look like a spammer to your friends. You do not like to be seen as a person without ethical standards, do you?

Stay aware and away from these scams!



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