Saturday, December 24, 2011

Google pages Update

Google+ has come up with new changes to their profile and pages.

Profile changes:

Sometimes, posts from your closer ones will be buried with other posts. Here is an update from Google+ to overcome this. You can now control how posts from a circle should be blended into the main stream

More useful and attractive notifications

Changes on Pages features:

  • Add managers to your page - a maximum of 50
  • Transfer ownership of your page to the managers
  • Remove managers from your page
  • Page owners and page managers can both delete managers from a page

Check out more from Google's Blog

Google+: A few big improvements before the New Year

SocialNetGate - One stop solution to Social Media Management - helps you stay up-to-date on changes with social media sites.

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays!


SocialNetGate wishes you a happy holiday season!!!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - 2012!

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

YouTube for business

YouTube is the #1 video search engine. Though it's not as popular as Facebook, it's got a vast audience.

Over 3 billion videos are viewed a day and 800M unique users visit YouTube each month. Therefore, think of the reach that your video can have, if it's placed properly.

Here are some simple ways and tips to take advantage of YouTube for you business:

YouTube Presence

Create presence(channel) to start with - having all your information updated. If you have a website, that is one of the most important details to be updated. Update as much information as possible on your YouTube profile.

Create and upload Videos

Just having presence would not help. Being active by posting videos will have people intereted in your channel. Take in mind, the following tips while creating and uploading videos.

Creating videos

  • The Video should be Short and crisp - up to the point
  • Consider Your Mobile Audience - Avoid using any tiny print or any other elements that can’t be easily read on mobile
  • Get the Voice over or the Audio correct and match the video. Also take utmost care on the clarity and volume of the audio.
  • Add Captions to your video
  • Zoom In on Important Content
  • Create videos with less marketing content and more useful content on your industry/technology.
  • Create videos on contests and promotional campaigns

Uploading Videos

  • Tag your videos with the right set of keywords
  • Upload videos in their original resolution
  • While uploading the Video, have it as Unlisted
  • File name has to be the top keyword of the content/search
  • Videos uploaded with a 16:9 aspect ratio will fit the player perfectly

General tips
Post Your Video to Other Sites
Organize your videos using playlists
Share you YouTube video in all social media sites, email and other medium.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

SocialNetGate - Social Media Engage feature

SocialNetGate has released a new feature Engage!

Now you can be engaged with people on Facebook and Twitter - be it customers or prospects - from our platform SocialNetGate

Facebook Engage options

  • Get notifications when a comment or post is left - see all the notifications of your Facebook Page
  • Share Status, Photo, Link, and Video on your facebook page wall
  • View facebook page wall posts, comments, etc. shared by you and your page fans
  • Comment on a post and reply to posts

Twitter Engage options

  • post tweets to your twitter account
  • see the timeline of your twitter account
  • see all the discussions and posts
  • view the @mentions of your account
  • Favorite, retweet and reply to tweets on your timeline
  • Send direct message to all your twitter followers

SocialNetGate is updating itself with new features and options on a weekly basis to help you stay ahead on the social media challenge.

Stay tuned to know more on the social media features and options...

Reach SocialNetGate - One stop solution for managing social media to know more


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Friday, December 2, 2011

Pass It On

Pass It On      


  #Why this Kolaveri Di?  At last check, this phenom of YouTube has surpassed 12 million views in just two weeks.  A catchy song that mixes the sounds of reggae and Slumdog Millionaire’s #Jai Ho, that is sure to cross cultural boundaries and possibly become the next “Macarena”.   This song is simple and addicting.  The lyrics are included in the video.  The song is sung in English (yes, that’s a form of English) and Tamil, one of India’s classical languages.  I’m anxiously awaiting the dance steps.  #Kolaveri Di, which means murderous rage, is simply a perfect example of the viral nature of the internet where unknowns can be discovered, and the most popular performers of other countries become known to us sheltered Americans!  Enjoy.


There’s More Than One Way To Do Things


            After 10 years as a Mac user, I had to incorporate Windows 7into my daily computer use.  This is stressful to say the least, and I feel more like a Baby Boomer than ever before.  I reluctantly became a Mac user out of peer pressure only to discover that they were right.  I’ll keep you updated as to my learning curve.  The most notable issue is that Windows 7 is cluttered compared to Mac.  Now, not withstanding the fact that I am farsighted, I can’t seem to navigate my browser.  Arrrghh.  Don’t ask me how it compares to Windows XP because I have no clue.  I don’t like reading the manual.  Stay tuned. 



M. Del Coto

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Google to end more services

Google is in the process of shutting down a number of services. They say the services are going to be shut down because the services haven’t had the impact they had hoped for.

Some of the services in the list are:
Google Bookmarks Lists - for sharing bookmarks and collaborating with friends - end on December 19, 2011.

Google Friend Connect - allows webmasters to add social features to their sites by embedding a few snippets of code - will end on March 1, 2012.

Google Gears - A Firefox and Internet Explorer extension that allows to navigate on compatible websites offline and synchronize when going back online. - In March the Gears browser extension for creating offline web applications and support to new browsers were withdrawn. End of December, Gears will no longer be available for download.

Google Search Timeline - graph of historical results for a query  

Google Wave — From January 31, 2012, Wave will become read-only and you won’t be able to create new ones. On April 30 it will be turned off completely.

Knol - After October 1, 2012, knols will no longer be available

Check out the Google announcement on their blog - More spring cleaning out of season

SocialNetGate - One stop solution for social media management

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Friday, November 18, 2011

More is More.....or is it?


More is More…..or is it?



Is more, more; or is less more?  Huh??  In the case of social media, it’s both.

While you want to have a presence in as many networks that are relevant to your business, you don’t want the content to seem “spammy”.  Carefully selecting the way you engage and publishing thought-provoking content is omnipotent.  So go ahead and feel free to join every network, just make sure that what you’re posting isn’t boring or drab, which can lead to dropped friends, fans or followers. 


Pass It On….Going Viral


“Like” and “share”.  What’s the tipping point of something going viral?  Sharing.  Content sharing is the key to virality.  So in this case, the more “shares” and “likes”, the more exposure. Viral marketing takes place in the form of video clips, blogs, games and now Facebook apps.  Your job as a brand or business is to get people who are heavily involved in social media to pass on your content.  Remember, the idea here is to translate these applications into dollars. 


M. Del Coto, Ambassador for SocialNetGate

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Using Social Media to your Advantage


 In September of 2011, Facebook debuted new features that offer an exciting new way to use social media to promote your brand.  The new platform allows for app developers to reach out and touch a very large percentage of Facebook users who are on mobile devices such as Ipad, Iphone and Android.  The apps help your business fans to share the message that you are a brand they want to use.  Check out Red Bull’s page as an example.  Humorous and thoughtful content can pique the interest of more people than ever before.  


It’s all about engaging.  And with the new features, you can connect with more people in your desired demographics. You can now integrate social gaming with brands into your campaign and track the results like never before.  So get people talking about you.  SocialNetGate offers you the portal to begin your social media presence, if you don’t already have one, or manage your presence in one easy step.  Start sharing and get people talking about you.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Google Pages


Google has rolled out Google+ Pages worldwide for Businesses.

We have created a page for us - SocialNetGate Google+ page

Google+ Pages provides businesses, products, brands, and organizations with a public identity and presence on Google+. Five categories of pages that can be created are :
  • Product or Brand
  • Company, Institution or Organization
  • Local Business or Place
  • Arts, Entertainment or Sports
  • Other
Google+ pages interact in the Google+ world similar to the way that regular Google+ profile owners do - they can add people to circles, edit their profile, share things in Google+, +1 comments and photos, and create and join Hangouts. But they’re not entirely the same. 

Differences between Google+ Pages and Google+ Profiles
Pages are extremely similar to profiles, but they have some key differences:

Pages can’t add people to circles until the page is added first or mentioned. Learn more.
Pages can be made for a variety of different entities whereas profiles can only be made for people.
The default privacy setting for elements on your page profile is public.
Pages have the +1 button.
Pages can’t +1 other pages, nor can they +1 stuff on the Web.
Pages can’t play games.
Pages don’t have the option to share to ‘Extended circles’.
Pages don’t receive notifications via email, text, or in the Google bar.
Pages can’t hangout on a mobile device.
Local pages have special fields that help people find the business’ physical location.

If you’re unsure whether you’re viewing a page or an individual’s profile, look for the Google+ Pages icon  next to the name at the top of the page.

Get yourself connected with us on Google+ too - SocialNetGate Google+ page

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Delicious Updates

Delicious has come up with a couple of important updates for the month of October :

New Way to Rescue Bookmarks from Yahoo!

This update is for anyone who still wants to get their bookmarks from the old Delicious.

  • Login to Delicious and Click here
  • Just enter your old Delicious details and you’ll receive an email when the import is complete.
  • Yahoo! has also extended their deadline for retrieving old bookmarks to November 1, 2011.

Introducing the Delicious Forum

In order to deliver more effective customer service and help people track  progress on resolving issues from the transition, Delicious has introduced a new Delicious Forum.

Check out more on this updates at Delicious Blog

Update yourself on Social Media news, tips and more from our blog

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Facebook Messenger

Facebook introduced mobile app "Messenger" on August to send and receive messages on our phones. Prominent features of Messenger:

Reach friends right on their phones
Now you can send messages directly to your friends on their mobile phones, so you stay in touch no matter where you go. Message friends or anyone in your mobile contacts.

Get and send messages fast
With the new standalone Messenger app, now messaging with friends is faster than ever. Messages are delivered instantly, and they're always just a click away.

Make plans with groups on the go
Group conversations make it easy to message everyone at once and see where your friends are. Don't want to share your location? Turn it off with one click.

Update on Messenger:

It has been updated with:

  • Option to see who's online and on mobile, know when the other person is typing and easier to contact people you message most.
  • Now available for BlackBerry, iPhone and Android with support for 22 new Android languages, and 12 new iPhone languages.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Google is shutting down services

Google has recently announced that it'll shut down some of it's services. This is a step towards concentrating more on Google+

The services that Google is going to shut down include:

  • Code Search - to help people search for open source code all over the web - will be shut down along with the Code Search API on January 15, 2012.
  • In a few weeks, Google Buzz and the Buzz API will be shut down, and focus instead on Google+. While people obviously won't be able to create new posts after that, they will be able to view their existing content on their Google Profile, and download it using Google Takeout.
  • Jaiku - for sending updates to friends - will be shut down on January 15, 2012. An option to enable users to export their data from Jaiku might be available.
  • With their new focus on Google+, they will remove iGoogle's social features on January 15, 2012. iGoogle itself, and non-social iGoogle applications, will stay as they are.
  • The University Research Program for Google Search, which provides API access to our search results for a small number of approved academic researchers, will close on January 15, 2012.

Read more about this on Google's blog - "A fall sweep"

To know more on social media updates, stay connected at our Blog

SocialNetGate - One stop solution for social media management

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Viddler closes free registration

Viddler has closed it's option to create free accounts. The new sign up goes to their Plans page

They say the change is  because a good portion of new user sign-ups are spam or businesses wanting to trial our service without using the free business trial.

This will not affect any of the existing accounts. The existing accounts can log in and do all the activities as before. Only the new registration is restricted to Pro, Business, or Enterprise account.

Check out more on this from Viddler's Blog - End of an Era: Personal Account Signups Closed

Please post your response to Viddler's paid account registration as comments below

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

LinkedIn - New Company Updates

LinkedIn announced new company status updates, that will now let members receive further insights — breaking news about the company, employee moves, relevant job opportunities or the latest on their products and services including multimedia content — directly from the companies they follow.

Company Follow was launched earlier for professionals to follow companies on LinkedIn. The new "company status updates" option has made it easier for companies to communicate with their audience or people who follow them on LinkedIn — whether it’s employees, customers or prospects.

For professionals

There was already an option to follow a company. So now if you follow companies you’ll start seeing status updates shared by the company in your homepage news feed. This will not only keep you informed of insightful content from companies you follow, but will also let you comment, like or share it.

For companies

There are millions of companies with company pages on LinkedIn. They now have the ability to customize and share more valuable insights with their followers.

With this new release, companies will have the flexibility to share the latest on the company directly to all of their followers on their company page’s “Overview” tab.

Status updates can be up to 500 characters long and can support URLs with multimedia as well. Given that any LinkedIn member can comment, like or share it, this is a great way to build engagement with customers, potential employees and prospects alike.
To learn more on how to turn this feature on for your company go here.

Follow SocialNetGate's LinkedIn Company Page and get yourself updated on the Status Updates!

Read the original post at LinkedIn Blog - New Company Updates: Learn more about the Companies you follow on LinkedIn

Facebook Pages update

Facebook is trying to make the options that are used to manage Facebook pages are as effective as possible.

Here's an update from facebook that may affect how you connect with your audience:
Improvements to Insights: You'll now see a new public metric called People Talking About This underneath your fan count to show the number of people on Facebook who have engaged with your page in the last 7 days. Learn more in your Page Insights (Insights are only available to pages which are liked by at least 30 people.)

Discussions: The best way to encourage conversation and feedback is through posts and comments on your Wall. To focus on this, facebook will be removing the Discussions app on October 31st. Learn More about this from Facebook Help Center comments

Check Facebook blog for more updates.

Check out SocialNetGate's Blog for updates on Social Media sites.

SocialNetGate - One stop solution for social media management

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Google Business profiles

Google+ has blocked business profiles now. Google+Tech team is deactivating the profiles created for business purpose.

Google would be doing a test of business profiles. There were many businesses expressing intense interest in business profiles. Google has refocused a few priorities and expect to have an initial version of businesses profiles up and running for EVERYONE in the next few months. There may be a tiny handful business profiles that will remain in the meantime solely for the purpose of testing how businesses interact with consumers.

Google has suggested not to create a business profile using regular profiles on Google+. The platform at the moment is not built for the business use case, and it wants to help build long-term relationships with your customers. Google will continue to disable business profiles using regular profiles. Untill then, a real person who is willing to represent your organization on Google+ using a real profile as him-or-herself.

Check here for more - Google+ For Businesses Update 3 – A new installment in our updates on Google+ and our plans to support brands, businesses, and beyond.

SocialNetGate - One stop solution for social media management

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Status socialnetgate 11 9 22

Facebook stays ahead in the Social Media Race and is coming up with rapid updates and enhancements to make itself stay atop.

Facebook's recent Improved friend list is on such feature. Read more about it from their blog - Facebook Blog -Improved Friend Lisst

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Facebook improved Friend Lists

Facebook stays ahead in the Social Media Race and is coming up with rapid updates and enhancements to make itself stay atop. 

Facebook's recent Improved friend list is on such feature. Read more about it from their blog - Facebook Blog -Improved Friend Lisst

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Twitter in five new languages

Twitter was launched in five new languages on September 14, 2011.  The new languages are Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Hindi, Filipino and Malay.  Including these Twitter is now available in 17 languages.

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Google+ opens sign up


The Google+ project was launched less than 90 days back, but it has already done 100+ different improvements(as Google+ say).

And the most recent update is that it has opened up Google+ registration to all without invitations.

Check the update from The official Google Blog

Monday, September 19, 2011

Facebook Subscribe Button

Facebook is making itself better to compete better with Google+. As a part of this, it has introduced a new feature "Subscribe". 

It wasn't easy before to control what you see in your News Feed. It's obvious that you'd like to know more about your close friends rather than ex-colleagues. There was no option to get feeds from people who aren't friends.

Subscribe option is a solution to all these. It'll be present on the people's profiles on the top right corner.

Facebook has 3 uses for the subscribe button:
Choose what you see from people in News Feed
Hear from people, even if you're not friends
Let people hear from you, even if you're not friends

Choose What You See in News Feed
You're already getting your friends' posts in News Feed. With the Subscribed button, you can choose how much you see from them: All updates, Most updates, and Important updates only(Just Highlights)

You can also choose what types of contents you see from a profile, which is optional.

Subscribe to Interesting People

You can now get public feeds from people who aren't your friends. You can just click on the Subscribe button to get updates(if public) about them in your News Feed.

You can choose what types of contents you want to see here too.

Get Your Own Subscribers
If you'd like to share your public updates with more than just friends, you can get a Subscribe button on your profile, too. People who subscribe to you will get posts  in their News Feeds only when you set the update as "Public". This feature is also optional.

To let people subscribe, go to the Subscriptions Page and click Allow Subscribers.
Once you allow subscribers, you can decide who can comment and what notifications you get. You'll also see a Subscribers tab on your profile, where you can see who subscribes to you.

Read the original content on Facebook Blog (Source). Check out more images on the Subscribe option below.

To listen or read on similar updates as soon as it is available, Subscribe to SocialNetGate's Blog.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Merge Facebook Pages

Have you inadvertently created multiple facebook pages?
Are you finding it hard to manage multiple pages for the same business?
Are you having too many fans on an unofficial page to request them to like your official page?

Forget your worries. You can now merge duplicate pages and/or places!!!

How to merge:

To merge one page into another: (Facebook Help Center)

   1. Log in to Facebook and go to the page you want to keep.
   2. Click the "Edit Page" button in the top right corner.
   3. From the left column menu, click "Resources" Tab.
   4. Click on the "Merge duplicate pages" link.
   5. A dialogue will show pages you admin that qualify to be merged. Select the page(s) you wish to merge to the page you're on. If you're merging a place and a page, they must have the same address information.

Another alternate way is to follow the below steps:

The page that you want to keep should get ”authenticated” by Facebook. Go to this page - - enter the details(Page Admin's Email, Your Company name, and PageURL to Authenticate). Click "Submit Form". It'd take some time for your page to get authenticated(30 days as of now) - You'll receive email from Facebook if your page is authenticated.

Go to this page - - and enter the URL and name of your authenticated page.

Then enter the URL of the pages that you want to merge with authenticated page. The fans of all the pages will now become fans of the authenticated page.

You still can't merge a profile or a group. Also you can't convert a group into a page 

Alternate Method: (Source : TheSocialAnimal)

Another alternate way is to follow the below steps:

The page that you want to keep should get ”authenticated” by Facebook. Go to this page - - enter the details(Page Admin's Email, Your Company name, and PageURL to Authenticate). Click "Submit Form". It'd take some time for your page to get authenticated(30 days as of now.) You'll receive email from Facebook if your page is authenticated.

After getting the email, go to this page - - and enter the URL and name of your authenticated page. Then enter the URL of the pages that you want to merge with authenticated page. The fans of all the pages will now become fans of the authenticated page.

Things to note:

  • The page(s) you merge will be removed from Facebook and you will not be able to unmerge your pages.
  • You still can't merge a profile or a group. Also you can't convert a group into a page
  • If someone is a fan of both the pages, they'll remain a fan of authenticated page and be counted only once. Only contents on your authenticated page will remain and all other pages contents will be deleted. 
  • need to keep one page as master whose pages contents will be retained.
  • It'd take at least a month for Facebook  to authenticate a master page
  • If two Facebook pages have very different names, Facebook might not let merging the pages.

Also Facebook  comes up with new updates every now and then, these options might have been changed or will change in the future.

To keep yourself posted or to make yourself better in Facebook and other social media sites, go to SocialNetGate - ONe stop Solution for Social Media Management

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Social Media Measurement

Social Media Measurement is similar to the measurement of traditional marketing systems like circulation of newspapers, rating of T.V shows, etc. However, in Social media, measurement means tracking your social-networking sites, blogs, video and photo-sharing sites, forums, etc. There are a number of ways you can track your business or your brand awareness on social media. Provided below are some of the tips:

Elements to be considered for measuring the success : The changes in the number of likes, the posts that are done in your pages, comments on your page, likes on posts, etc. are the  The insights can be seen.
Facebook Insights provides Facebook Page owners with metrics around their content. By understanding and analyzing trends within user growth and demographics, consumption of content, and creation of content, Page owners can be better equipped to improve their business with Facebook. Check more about Facebook insights

Elements to be considered : the number of followers(changes), retweet level, replies to others, conversation, etc. The number of followers in your account is significant to the people who are interested in your products/services. There are a number of analytical tools available in the web to measure the twitter campaign effectiveness.

Elements to be considered : the numbers of visitors, number of views of videos, Activities(engagement), subscribers, etc. YouTube Insight is a analytical and reporting tool that allow users with a YouTube account to view detailed statistics about the visitors for the videos that they uploaded to the site. statistics include age and gender, location, time, viewers rate, comments, find how people find your video, number of subscribers, etc. Check more about YouTube Insight

Google Analytics:
Enterprise-class web analytics tool to measure how people found your site, number of people visited, demography, time, etc. If you are doing online business, you can:
    * Track sales and conversions.
    * Track email campaigns, banner ads, offline ads
    * Trace transactions to campaigns and keywords
    * Optimize your AdWords performance with post-click data on your keywords
    * You can track other Google products like Blogger, Adsense and Google sites.

The above are just tip of an iceberg. There are a lot more number of social media sites available and measuring your business through those sites and that shall be discussed in the future

Stay connected to our blog and keep yourself updated.

SocialNetGate - One stop solution for Social Media Management

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Social Media Marketing and Management

Social Media Marketing and Management with SocialNetGate.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

SocialNetGate's new features for social Media Management


These are the recent features added on SocialNetGate : Voice Blog, "Like | Follow | Subscribe" Viral Widget, Customers' Offers Management, Testimonial Requester and we are adding more features on a weekly basis.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Facebook Games Update

For those who enjoy games on Facebook, there are more new features to be launched to make it easier to find new games and play with friends.  

A new game ticker

When you're playing games, you'll now see a separate stream of your friends' game activity, scores and achievements in a ticker. The best way to find new games is through friends, and now you'll have more opportunities to see what they're playing.
Maybe your best friend has started playing Sims; your roommate has a new high score on PacMan; or your mom and sister have taken up Words With Friends. Simply click on a story and you can start playing the game yourself.

You can now control who can see these stories for each individual app in your Settings. If you want friends to see you're playing one game but not another, you can change that. You're also able to limit visibility directly from the ticker by clicking "X" on a story to remove it.

More room to play

A bigger screen for game play is also being introduced so you can have a more immersive experience. You'll begin seeing games that can expand to full screen, such as CityVille, Zoo World, Monster World, and Mystery Manor in the coming days.

Bookmark your Favorites

If you use a lot of apps or games, you can now keep the best ones at the top of your bookmarks on your homepage. To add a new favorite, click the menu next to the bookmark. You can also rearrange, remove, and edit settings from the same menu.


Whether you like sports games, word games, strategy or classic games, they are all better when played with your friends. We hope these updates make playing games on Facebook even more fun.


Read the post at Facebook Blog - Making Games Better


Regular updates on Social Media from SocialNetGate

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Twitter Translation

Twitter celebrated its first non-English launch in April 2008 with the release of Twitter in Japanese. In November 2009, Twitter launched it’s second and third languages: Spanish and French. Last week Twitter was launched in Dutch and Indonesian, therefore now Twitter has been fully translated into eleven languages.

Dutch and Indonesian were the first languages to be fully translated by community volunteers using Twitter Translation Center. Volunteers translate, support pages, desktop and mobile applications — everything except the Tweets. Then, a select group of the most active translators work closely with the team at Twitter to maintain localized versions of the service.

Twitter community has 200,000 translators and counting. The localization process for Dutch and Indonesian took just one month. This new process will be used to translate Twitter into many more languages. Next up: Filipino and Malay. Visit the Translation Center to contribute to Twitter’s localization efforts.

Read this at Twitter's Blog - It takes a community to translate Twitter

SocialNetGate - For tips, news, and latest updates on Social Media

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

LinkedIn DON'Ts

Social Media etiquettes are as important as you behave in-person. Especially in a Professional networking site like LinkedIn, it is more important that how you expose yourself. Here are some common DON'Ts on LinkedIn, any professional networking sites in that case, which might be helpful for those who want to maintain professionalism in social media sites:

1. Do not send invites to a person whom you don't know - You lose your crebility by sending anonymous invitations and there are less chances that it will be accepted too.

2. Do not request recommendation if you don't know that person - Recommendations are by people who worked with you and appreciate your work. If you request recommendataion if he has not worked with/under/above you, it's not worth asking for.

3. Do not SPAM your LinkedIn connections with marketing email - You have a high chance of losing connections by using your connections as an email marketing list. Instead, send customized emails to your contacts on how you can help them.

4. Do not leave your profile incomplete/empty - People would like to know more about you before having a business relationship with you. Only some people will contact you and ask more details about you and many people just ignore and move to the next provider.

5. Do not create duplicate accounts by accepting invitations from your email address or by any other way - Having duplicate accounts will create a confusion and miscommunication.

6. Do not make your email address publicly visible to all in your profile - Though you are on a professional networking site, making your email address publicly visible makes you a target for mass email marketing.

7. Do not keep your account idle - People don't want to have business who is inactive on a professional networking sites. Be active by participating in Q&A, groups & discussions, adding connections, etc.,

8. Do not give access to send LinkedIn invitation to all your email contacts - This makes your contacts on email think you as a spammer. Send sellective emails to your contacts and let them know that you've sent LinkedIn invitation.

9. Do not connect your Twitter account to your LinkedIn - Some people might disagree with this but the purpose of Twitter and LinkedIn are different altogether.

There are more that can be added to this. Please post them as comments below. Also keep checking back our blog or subscribe by email and get yourself updated.

Also check the previous posts :

LinkedIn Tips : Common
LinkedIn Tips : Start
LinkedIn Tips : CONTD.

SocialNetGate - One stop solution for social media management

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Facebook Video Calling

Facebook, to retain its top position in the social networking arena, has partnered with skype and introduced a new feature - Facebook Video Calling (will be available soon) and group chat (where you can chat with more than 10 of your friends at the same time)

Video calling Features:

Video calling allows you to talk to your friends face to face. Some of the features/options are

Video Message : If your friend isn’t available, you can always leave a video message.

Call records : The time and date of each call you make is listed in your ongoing message history with each friend. The calls themselves are not recorded or saved.

Multi-tasking : You can continue using chat and other Facebook features during your video call.

One Time Setup : Complete a quick, one-time setup, and call any friend on Facebook.

Some of the common features to that of chat and other notable things to be considered:
Callers : Only your confirmed friends can call you on Facebook video Calling. You also have the option to ignore any call you receive.

Unavailable : You can make yourself unavailable for video calling if you are not interested in video calling - same to the chat feature

Block : You can block a friend or group of friends from calling or chatting with you or you can unfriend the person

End Call : To end a video call, just close the video window.  

Compatibility : Video calling works best with the latest versions of the following browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari

Operating System Support :  Mac or Windows operating system. Video calling for Linux is not currently supported.

How It works:

  • Make sure your webcam and microphone are both up and running - Visit your friend’s profile and click the “Call” button in the top right corner or you can also click the video icon at the top of your chat window.

  • You will be asked to complete the setup the first time you try to call a friend, or the first time a friend tries to call you.
  • Simply click the “Set Up” button and follow the instructions for how to set up video calling on your browser.
  • Once you’ve successfully completed the setup, the call you’ve started with your friend should connect automatically. If it doesn’t, you can call again by clicking the video icon at the top of your chat window.

Click here to go to the facebook video calling page.

Note: Facebook has not completed full fledged implementation of video calling. Check the above page to know whether it is available and check back to keep yourself updated.

Or simply subscribe to our feeds to keep yourself posted on the availability of the Facebook Video Calling and all the latest social media news...

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Google Social Networking

Google+ is the new social networking site by Google which can be a competitor to Facebook. Google+ is adding some new stuff to make sharing online more like sharing in real life. Some of the first key features include:

  • Circles
  • Hangouts
  • Instant Upload
  • Sparks
  • Huddle


Circles help sharing the right stuff with the right people. Circles makes it easy to put your friends from Saturday night in one circle, your parents in another, and your boss in a circle by himself - just like real life.


With Hangouts, the unplanned meet-up comes to the web for the first time. Let specific buddies (or entire circles) know you’re hanging out and then see who drops by for a face-to-face chat. Until teleportation arrives, it’s the next best thing.

Instant Upload

With Instant Upload, your photos and videos upload themselves automatically, to a private album on Google+.  All you have to do is decide who to share them with.


Tell Sparks what you’re into and it will send you stuff it thinks you’ll like, so when you’re free, there’s always something cool to watch, read, or share. A feed of only the things that you're really into, so when you're free, there's always something waiting to be watched, read or shared.


Huddle turns all those different conversations into one simple group chat, so everyone gets on the same page all at once. Your thumbs will thank you.

Will Google+ stand out of the herd and be a competitor(threat) to Facebook and overtake it? Let’s wait and watch. Also post your thoughts as comments below.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Facebook on Skype

Skype 5.5 Beta for Windows - Instant message your Facebook friends from Skype.

Skype has released a new beta version for Windows that includes several new features that makes messaging on facebook easier without logging in into facebook through browser.

Some of the existing features of Skype are :

* Talk free, Skype-to-Skype
* Enjoy low-rate calls to landlines and mobile
* Send text messages at great Skype rates
* Send IMs, too
* Skype To Go numbers
* Online Numbers
* Call forwarding
* Screen sharing
* Send files
* Conference calls
* Free video calls

New features in the Skype 5.5 Beta for Windows include

See Facebook friends in your Skype contact list - The contact list sorts down all your friends/contacts from Facbook

Instant message with your Facebook friends - Facebook is integrated with Skype. So you can chat with more people than ever.

Easier, smarter call controls - Skype has also made our call controls easier to use, with a new, smarter toolbar and simpler buttons.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

YouTube Insight

Social Media for Business involves 3 major phases.

  1. Social Media Presence,
  2. Social Media Activities
  3. Social Media Monitoring

As presence and engagement is important, monitoring the social media is the phase the real results can be measured.

YouTube Insight is one such feature for video analytics. YouTube Insight helps to have a watch on your YouTube account to know about your videos’ audience, including size, location, and age of viewers and how they found your video. It has answers to questions like

  • How many views your videos are getting?
  • How popular your videos are?
  • Exactly whose watching them?
  • How people are finding your videos?
  • Whether your videos are hot or not?
  • and more similar questions...

Where is YouTube Insight located on the site?

So, you are ready to start using YouTube's Insight feature:

  • To access YouTube Insight, sign into,
  • Click your Username located in the top right corner of home(or any) page
    • To see data for your channel (all of your videos), click Videos, Subscriptions, History, Inbox or Settings and click Insight on the top navigation bar.
    • To view data for an individual video, click videos and click the button underneath the video you wish to analyze.

If you are already signed into YouTube, you can click on the following link to access your dashboard directly: YouTube Insight

The default setting will display the Views graph with information on the total number of unique user views per day.

To see Discovery, Demographic, Community, or Hot Spot data, click the relevant tab on the left navigation bar.

Let's discuss about more specific options in the forthcoming posts, so stay tuned to SocialNetgate's Blog

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Social Media Management Services

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Monday, June 6, 2011

Social Media Marketing Strategies for Small Business

In today’s world most of the small/medium business owners are aware about the importance of social media marketing. as it has become  have started the online community by using online tools and they knew that interaction and posting is the foundations of social media marketing. Online media presence is not enough for effective social media marketing. If you are looking for a better growth, you should be more engaged in social media. Follow these strategies to make yourself successful on the social media arena.
Before going to the Strategies of social media, Small business owners should have the knowledge about the online media presence, social media activities like engagement with customers, comments, replies, tweets, etc.

Effective use of Multimedia
Most of the business owners are simply posting the links in their community or profiles, some of them are posting very large content with no pictures or videos. In online media majority of the people do not look for a very long content without attractive/dynamic content like images or videos.
Videos and images are the best online tool for attracting people to your profiles and communities. Include attractive and relevant pictures to your profile and also give step by step information in your video explaining procedures or concepts. Videos and images can break down the faceless B2C sales flow and make your company appear friendlier. You can use video sharing sites like youtube, Vimeo, Viddler and other sites for better multimedia presence. For example check the video attached here

Include your social media URL in offline advertising
If you are advertising in offline media like T.V., Newspapers, other print media or Radio, include your social media profiles link in that too. Initially people will visit your profiles and if it's attractive enough, they'll join with you. This'll increase trust in your business, and later they will buy your products and services.
Customize your Message
Each of the social media networking sites are different in nature like some sites are professional networking sites, flirting sites, video sharing , documents sharing, etc. Do the activities in your profiles according to the nature of the sites. If it is a professional networking site, do some activities like, join in groups, community, post topic, follow people etc. if it is video sharing site, add more videos about your company events, programs in your area etc. If you are posting same message in facebook and twitter, people are getting same content from multiple channels, try to customize your message for different site.

Offers and Discounts
Building network and community is the main part of social media marketing. Only way to stimulate community is to create a contest or offer an exclusive discount. For example, give special offers for those who is a fan of your facebook page. With exclusive coupons and discounts on your social media community; you’re rewarding and reminding them that you are not only a brand to engage with, but also to buy from.

Local Business Directories
Being visible to consumers looking for a business in their area is extremely important. Try to include your site in local business directories in order to help ensure that consumers find you when they need you. Also, make sure your business has been added to Google Maps, using the Local Business Center.

Creating online media presence is a simple and easy process, but rather than just creating presence you need to maintain that with relevant activities/engagement for better business opportunities.

Subscribe to our blog to get engaged with us or log on to SocialNetGate for more Social Media Marketing and Management tips, news and articles

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Facebook Launched New Sponsored Stories

Sponsored Story was first launched in January. Now Facebook has added 3 more options in the sponsored stories list. They are

    * The page post like story - allows you to show up stories when your fans like any post from your page, so that their friends (even if they are not yet fans of your page) can see your post and like, repost, etc.

    * The app used and game played story will help app and game developers (not just users) turn up stories about people who are using their app or playing their game, so that similarly their friends will be able to view and use the App or Game.

    * The domain story will allow you to give more visibility to stories about people liking or sharing something, so that more of their friends will visit your site to discover this piece of content.

So there is a total of 7 types of Sponsored Stories that are available. Here is a list of the types of stories you can use to promote:

  1. Page like story - When people like your Page, their friends see a story about it
  2. Page post story - When you post an update to your Page, your fans see a story about it
  3. Page post like story - When people like your Page post, their friends see a story about it
  4. Check-in story - When people check-in to your business using Facebook Places, their friends see a story about it
  5. App used & game played story - When people have recently used your App or played your game, their friends see a story about it
  6. App share story - When people share from your App, their friends see a story about it
  7. Domain story - When people like or share information about your Domain, their friends see a story about it

If you are an admin of a Page, Place, App or Domain you can choose to run a Sponsored Story for any of the above story types.

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Facebook Sponsored Stories

We shall discuss about what Facebook Sponsored stories are and how they work. Below are some of the information from Facebook Help center

What are Sponsored Stories?
Sponsored Stories are stories that are eligible to appear in your News Feed. The sponsored stories will be displayed in the right hand side ad space. They will appear as and when people/friends/pages engage in activities on Facebook.

Sponsored Stories allow you to surface word-of-mouth recommendations about your brand that exist organically in the Facebook News Feed. To promote your Page, you can use Sponsored Stories to surface both Page posts and Page Likes.

For example, if a person’s friends like a Page, in addition to potentially seeing that news story in their News Feed, they can now also see the same story on the right-hand column on Facebook. Additionally, if you create a Page post it can now appear on the right-hand column for users that have liked your Page.

How can I use them to promote my Page?
Sponsored Stories are different from ads, and including them with your Facebook Ad campaign amplifies the actions your target audience takes with your ads. We hope to make Sponsored Stories available to all businesses and organizations in the near future.

Who can see Sponsored Stories about me (e.g. Pages I like, Places where I check in)?
News Feed stories that appear as Sponsored Stories respect applicable privacy settings. Therefore, only people who are eligible to see your News Feed story are eligible to see it as as Sponsored Story.

For example:

  • Jane’s privacy settings allow her friends to see News Feed stories about Pages she likes.
  • Jane likes the Starbucks Page.
  • Jane’s friend John can see a story about Jane liking the Starbucks Page in News Feed.
  • Because of this, John may see the same story on the right hand side of pages on Facebook.

There is a controversial part of the Sponsored stories. Sponsored stories can also considered to be advertisements that turn any user’s content into an actual advertisement. Facebook doesn't call them Ads although it's present as a part of Ads. It depends on the perception of the people whether it's similar to ads or different from ads.

Stay connected to know about new features on Facebook (Sponsored stories).

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Delicious - Transfer Bookmarks

Delicious has been acquired by the founders of YouTube, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen recently.

Delicious will become part of their new Internet company, AVOS. The users of Delicious, to continue using Delicious, must agree to let Yahoo! transfer bookmarks to AVOS.

Reasons to let Yahoo! transfer your bookmarks

As soon as you let Yahoo! move your Delicious account, you will:

    * Enjoy uninterrupted use of Delicious.

    * Keep your Delicious account and all your bookmarks.

    * Keep the same look and feel of Delicious as you have today, and enjoy future innovations for the product.

What happens if you do not move your bookmarks?

    * Delicious in its current form will be available until approximately July 2011.

    * After that, you will no longer be able to use your existing Delicious account and will not have access to your existing bookmarks or account information.

How do I transfer my bookmarks?

To transfer your bookmarks, you need to "opt-in" to allow your account and all associated data to be moved. You can do this from the opt-in page.

Here is the step-bystep procedure for transferring bookmarks:

  • Sign In with your Yahoo! ID to your delicious account
  • Enter First name & Last name - Read and agree AVOS term of service and privacy policy.
  • Select a new password (Make sure you use at least one number or symbol in your password)
  • Retype Password and click “submit” button
  • You’ll get the message "Your Old-Skool account is now created"
  • Make a note of your username since you'll use that only for logging in to your Delicious account in the future

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Using Manta for your business

Manta is the world's largest online community for promoting and connecting small business.

Manta logo

Using Manta you can

  • Promote Your Business
  • Connect With Other Business Owners
  • Research Companies
  • Tips & Advice on Running a Business
  • Find a Job
  • And do more...

Check out the website and utilise the free marketing for your business/brand.

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Top Professional Networking sites with their Alexa Rank & Google Page Rank

Here is a list of some of the popular websites for professional networking with their Google Page Rank and Alexa Rank apart from Biznik, LinkedIn & Ryze...

Xing - The Professional Business Network with more than 10 Million members worldwide    
Google Page Rank - 8    
Alexa Rank - 249

oDesk - Changing How the World Works - marketplace for online workteams    
Google Page Rank - 7    
Alexa Rank - 260

Viadeo - a Web 2.0 professional social network    
Google Page Rank - 7    
Alexa Rank - 735

Jigsaw - a prospecting tool used by sales professionals, marketers and recruiters to get fresh and accurate sales leads and business contact information.    
Google Page Rank - 6    
Alexa Rank - 2226

Yammer - The Enterprise Social Network - a tool for making companies and organizations    
Google Page Rank - 6    
Alexa Rank - 4216

APSense - business networking with the relationship building power of a social network.    
Google Page Rank - 4    
Alexa Rank - 4300

Yasni - People Search & Reputation Management    
Google Page Rank - 5    
Alexa Rank - 4333

Eecademy - a social network for business people worldwide. - for online networking, networking events, business support and networking groups for entrepreneurs and small business owners.    
Google Page Rank - 6    
Alexa Rank - 7915

StartupNation - provides real-world business advice to people who want to start a business and who want to grow their small businesses.    
Google Page Rank - 6    
Alexa Rank - 10299

Focus - Connect with the world's leading business experts    
Google Page Rank - 6    
Alexa Rank - 11866

Naymz - Next level networking. Join our reputation network to promote your good name and maximize your professional opportunities.    
Google Page Rank - 5    
Alexa Rank - 13721

Small Business Brief - Register and submit articles - provides a daily update of the best small business news and resources.    
Google Page Rank - 4    
Alexa Rank - 19362

Fast Pitch - Online Business Network allowing professionals to promote their business through networking and extensive marketing features.    
Google Page Rank - 5    
Alexa Rank - 19671

4Networking - UK's largest joined-up business network - The only truly joined-up national business network    
Google Page Rank - 5    
Alexa Rank - 20404

Groupsite - Where Social Networking and Collaboration Meet    
Google Page Rank - 6    
Alexa Rank - 24794

Brazen Careerist - giving professionals a fun and completely different way to network.    
Google Page Rank - 7    
Alexa Rank - 32109

iKarma Inc. - Online Business Reputation & Networking    
Google Page Rank - 5    
Alexa Rank - 43899

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