Tuesday, March 27, 2012

SoLoMo is the name of the game. Social...

SoLoMo is the name of the game. Social alone can get you only so far. An integrated solution is important. We have one for the auto industry now. Details soon.

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Will Apple be the first Trillion dollar...

Will Apple be the first Trillion dollar company ? With the way their stock price is going, may be this is a reality when 2012 ends.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

South by Southwest Geekfest Veers From Social Media to Health ...

Social-media startups will need to share the spotlight this year at South by Southwest Interactive, the annual technology geekfest that catapulted Twitter ...   Read more

socialnetgate comments:
In a way, this provides a strange relief to see social media ideas are pushed to the back burner a bit at SXSW. Social Technologies Vs Finding cure for cancer - we know which one is more important.

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SocialNetGate gets $100 in ad credit from Facebook

Nice waking up on a Tuesday morning with Facebook saying we got a $100 ad credit because we are one of the pages that gained 100 Likes the fastest way!

There is more! $10000 credit is given to the pages that collect fans also.

Good thinking , Facebook, to help yourself and others.

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Monday, March 12, 2012

How SocialNetGate works!

This is a video presentation that shows how SocialNetGate works for a business owner.


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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Top #1 rule if you are serious about Pinterest (or even social media in general)


Let me start with some URLs





These are some of the world's largest brands and their profile names are taken by some individuals. Needless to say, there wil be some legal hassle down the line when the corporate communications or marketing departments wake up to the smell of Pinterest and try to get these assigned to their "official" ones. And Pinterest may simply oblige them for obvious reasons.

The interesting thing is that Microsoft who is generally a slow adopter on social media has already reserved http://pinterest.com/microsoft/ although no activities are going on in there. The popular tech blog TechCrunch seems to have been taken by someone else ( http://pinterest.com/techcrunch/ ) while the other blog Mashable has taken the profile and also is very active in it... 

And no one else has gotten to Google (http://pinterest.com/google/) as of the time of this writing (March 10, 2012)

Everyone of the SocialNetGate customer has already got their profile names. If you are serious about social media, EVEN IF YOU ARE A SMALL BUSINESS, you should reserve the Pinterest profile name without any further delay. 

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Joe, the busy business man using voice blog feature

One of the features of SocialNetGate is the voice blog. Here is a comic strip that shows how "Joe, the busy businessman making use of this feature.

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New iPad is out - What blogosphere is saying ?

The new iPad is just now out.
Better resolution than your HDTV and LTE connectivity are the two major things.. Everything else stays the same, INCLUDING the price. Talking of the price, the iPad2 price is lowered to $399 for the base model.
Against all the speculation, the new iPad is simply called the iPad. The blogosphere has been speculating on this for a while now.
Here are some of the blogs are reputing.

Monday, March 5, 2012

How to use Pinterest from SocialNetGate

Pinterest.com is the heart throb today in social media world. While the business world is warming up to this awesome image pinning social sharing site, SocialNetGate has already reserved profile names for all the current users.

Enclosed is a video that shows how to make best use of Pinterest.


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Friday, March 2, 2012

Print media is dead ?

Aside from Yelp going public, the other news is that the enterprise software platform Yammer has raised 85 million in new round of investment and they have 100 millions in cash to spend. We can expect some M&A deals coming from the cash. 

That is not the most interesting part of the news. When Yammer CEO Sacks is asked about the plan for spending all that money, he said it is for "marketing and brand promotion". Standard answer. But when pressed for details, he said that they are looking to have a full page spread in the Wall Street Journal.


Full page spread in the printed version ? 

As I was reading the news feed, Margarita was sitting next to me and commented that he must have meant it as a joke. He is not.

I thought print media is dead and social media has left a RIP on the tombstone few years ago. The reality is that there is going to be more life left in the print media..

That leads to our recent support to Social Media Monthly. I had an opportunity to talk with Bob Fine, the publisher of a magazine, couple of days before his kickstarter campaign ended. Genuinely nice guy that he is, Bob is a firm believer that print media is still going to have a long shelf life. Pun intended. I was particularly happy to see that the magazine is ditributed globally and photographed at stores in Bahrain and Singapore, two of my favorite places.

I write a column on technology at a magazine group which is the second largest in circulation in Asia. One of the recent successful addition to the magazine is a section where popular tweets and status updates are made available. Yes, content from social media making into print media.

Possibly, there may be a convergence of print and new media of some sort in the very near future. 


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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Congratulations to Bob Fine for...

Congratulations to Bob Fine for raising over $20,000 for his magazine, Social Media Monthly! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bobfine/the

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