Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Contest solution in launched

Bishop Ranch, one of the largest office parks in North America, has just launched the contest, one of viral promotional tools from SocialNetGate. Their goal ? Create a very strong community of 30,000 people who work at over 600 offices located there.

Check it out.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Facebook Offers

Facebook is rolling out new feature: Offers.

How it works:

  • Brands/Businesses can post offers on the Facebook pages. It will be updated in the timeline of the business' page and the news feed of people who like the page.

  • People can claim, like, share, and comment on the offers posted.

  • If an offer is claimed, Facebook will send an email to the claimant on the details of the offer.

  • The email can be used to redeem the offer from the business.

Facebook Offers for Businesses

Facebook Offers is only available to a small number of local business Pages as of now. If you'd like to post offers but don't have that option, request it from FB Pages team

Below are the steps to create and post a Facebook Offer(Check the screenshots below):

  • Log in to your Facebook account and go to your page

  • At the top of your Page's timeline, if you can see "Offer,Event+" Facebook offers is available for you.

  • Click on "Offer" and enter details of the offer

  • Click Preview and see the review and click Post if you have confirmed the Offer content

Here are some of the information to note:

Ø  You can control who can see the offer, similar to posting images, status updates, etc.

Ø  Restrictions/Limits on Offer content Headline text: 90 characters, Terms and conditions text: 900 characters and Offer image size: 90 x 90 pixels, non-square images will be cropped to a square

Ø  You can't edit an offer after you post it and only can delete it

Ø  Once someone claims your offer, they'll receive an email that they may bring into your business.

Ø  People can hide offer and/or all posts from a specific Page if they don't like(similar to posts)

Check out Facebook Help Center to know more on Facebook Offers

While Facebook has recently rolled/rolling out offers feature, we at SocialNetGate had already made use of Facebook to publish offers. Facebook Offers is added as an application to our clients' Facebook pages, where people need to like the page and view the offers. This way it makes the offers exclusive only to people who like your Facebook page. Soon, we will be busy finding an option to post to Facebook offers from our platform. Contact us at to know on more features...

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Impact of mobile

There is a really great article at TechCrunch today. The article provides a lot of data and the conclusion is upto the reader. The author concentrates mainly on Google, especially the recent earnings call with the analysys, and just mentions Facebook at the end. The recent acquisition of Instagram by Facebook is an indicator of how much Facebook is worried about the mobile proliferation.

We experience that at SocialNetGate with our efforts to get our users leverage social tools in an easy to use manner. With Facebook blocking the ability to use apps on the mobile, it is really a major roadblock for us to provide convrged solutions.

Take the "Offers" module as an example. We would like to integrate this with QR code and fulfillment at the Facebook app we deploy in every business' Facebook page. This is not possible, at the moment, because the app is blocked at the mobile. This forces us to find alternate solutions to work around. Not a great idea, Facebook when you have a feature that block user traction.


Posted via email from SocialNetGate's Blog by SocialNetGate

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Posterous is down. Is it just...

Posterous is down. Is it just coincidence with the Tweetdeck's outage the other day. Cant think of what is going to happen to Instagram now.

Posted via email from SocialNetGate's Blog by SocialNetGate

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Google Glass - Why skeptics are wrong!

Many, including several of us here at SocialNetGate, got really confused when Google changed the Android marketplace, Google Music etc to "Google Play". Now, we get it. It is all part of a long term social, mobile, local, augmented reality, entertainment solution.

Yes, we are talking talking about Google's Project Glass.

There are several skeptics that argue Google is wasting time. We think not. 

Why ?

1. Augmented reality is NOT Virtual reality. They are quite different. Ofcourse the Virtaul reality experiments pathetically failed because those made people look like geeks. But more importantly, there was NO Web at that time, folks. There was no way to bring real time data relevant to you and integrate it with your life's events, plans and activities.

2. The size of the glass, at least what they show in the project site, is slim enough that you wont look like something from the future. But then again, the future is here so, even if it is a little bulky, I am sure there will be people wearing it.

3. Apple changed our behavior to stick an equipment in our hands permanently that used to be just for voice communication, Google may very well add a replacement that is voice controlled and ergonomically safer. (Not sure how it would impact driving laws regarding usage. Let us not even go to those arguments about how your brain will get cooked due to constant usage of phones)

Posted via email from SocialNetGate's Blog by SocialNetGate

Monday, April 2, 2012

Facebook Pages Timeline

Facebook has rolled out the Facebook pages timeline. The change was announced on February 29 with the preview option, and preview period is now over. All Facebook Pages upgraded to a new design on March 30.  

The new Facebook Pages design gives you the ability to:
  • Add a unique cover photo to the top of your Page
  • Star stories to make them bigger
  • Pin posts to the top of your Page
  • Add milestones to mark key events Arrange views and apps below your cover 
Let us see some of the new features or enhancements of the page:

Page Cover 
A cover is an image of max. size (851 by 315 px) at the top of your Page. This is available (public) to anyone visiting your Page. Cover images must be at least 399 pixels wide - Check out more on Facebook Help Center

Highlight posts
You can highlight posts on your Page that you think are important. You need to Hover over a story on your Page's timeline and click "star" button near edit button. It makes the post/story bigger.

Pinned posts 
Pinned posts are the posts selected by admins to be displayed prominently at the top of the page. 
A pinned post always appears in the top left of a Page's timeline and has a flag in its top-right corner and will remain there for 7 days. After that, it’ll return to the date it was posted on the Page’s timeline. 

Admin Panel
Admin Panel helps you to
  • View notifications
  • Respond to messages
  • View your Page insights
  • Access your activity log to curate content on your Page
  • Access the Edit menu to make changes to your Page's settings
Timeline View options:
Highlights - this will display the timeline view of the page with highlights 
Friend activity - shows what their friends and people they subscribe to are saying about the page, their tags, activities on the page, etc.
Posts by Page - shows only the posts done by the page and not from others

Milestones are key moments you've decided to highlight on your Page. Milestone photos display at 843 pixels wide and 403 pixels tall. At this time, January 1, 1000 is the earliest date a milestone can have. 

Activity Log
Your Page's activity log is a tool that lets you review the history of your Page and change the settings of individual posts. Only Page admins can see the activity log. 

New Likes View
The Likes view shows people visiting your Page trends of people interacting with it over time. People will know if your restaurant is becoming the talk of the town or if your brand has a long history and loyal customer base.

Apps order
You can change the view and apps that appear on the your page just below the Cover image.

Apps Thumbnail
Changing the thumbail image for the Apps is now possible too.

Control over posts by others on your Page's timeline
You can choose not to show posts by others on your Page's timeline until you review them, not to allow others to post on your Page at all, and to turn off the Recent Posts by Others box on your Page's timeline.

Change is constant and progreesing along with it is the best possible solution.

We have got along with the change ... Have you? Also post your comments on the new Facebook pages timeline change. 

Posted via email from SocialNetGate's Blog by SocialNetGate